
From GCF Staff & Guest Contributors

January 12, 2021 by

As Christians, there is this really strong tension we are feeling. On one hand we want to be safe. We want to take all the precautions necessary to minimize the spread of this virus, to keep our family and roommates safe, and to follow all the guidelines and ordinances of the University and the city. But on the other hand there is a Christians duty to one-another, to be in community and relationships, to not hide the light of the gospel under a lamp or in our dorm rooms. How do we navigate this tension? 

December 4, 2020 by

Have you heard the sound of a new baby’s cries? It’s unmistakable. Loud, piercing, alerting. Their cry beckons all those around to pay attention to him or her. The cry of a newborn baby is the long awaited sound for parents who have been waiting for 9 long months to meet this child.

November 30, 2020 by

What do you do with your winter break? I know most of us love the rest and reprieve from responsibility. But does that have to mean taking a break from your faith? Join us for book club this break as we try to make the most of our winter break!

March 24, 2020 by

In a season where the globe is shutting almost everything down to minimize your human contact and the spread of Covid-19, where are you going to turn for community and discipleship? 

March 5, 2019 by

I spent two whole months of last summer in San Diego California attending Summer Leadership Project that was hosted by Campus Outreach San Diego.

February 13, 2018 by

We create disciplines of Bible reading and prayer. But what about a discipline of being single?

January 15, 2018 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of January 15th.

January 8, 2018 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of January 8th.

January 1, 2018 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of January 1st.

December 25, 2017 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of December 25th.

December 19, 2017 by

Being married offers unique opportunities for growth in both the husband and the wife. Rachel Gilpin highlights five Biblical disciplines for growth available to the godly wife.

December 18, 2017 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of December 18th.

December 14, 2017 by

Daily commentary for GCF’s Break-It-Down Bible Reading plan for the week of December 14th.

October 2, 2017 by

“Judge not…” we know the verse, but Stephen Kasun helps us understand the deeper gospel themes behind this often neglected verse.

June 14, 2017 by

Can the idea of God’s love make us lazy? Stephen Kasun helps us see the power of God’s love as a catalyst for new life in this post.

May 31, 2017 by

How do we balance the burden of schooling or career with our desire to grow in Christ? Caleb Schwartzkopf shares some of his own insight.

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